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Carsten Höller site specific (eng)

Carsten Höller

1961, Brussels, Belgium  
He lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden, and Biriwa, Ghana

site-specific | permanent artwork

Doubt Staircase

Metal balustrades, Vicenza stone, marmorino  Veneziano, and metal structures

Carsten Höller holds a PhD in Agricultural Science. He  applies his knowledge of the scientific method to his  artistic practice, although he does so to subvert its  basic rules. He conceives art as a cognitive tool and  uses his works to transform the sensory and emotional  experiences of individuals. He aims to disorient and  provoke the viewer, altering traditional perceptual  mechanisms by creating situations and experiences that,  instead of providing certainty, instill doubt and create a  sense of confusion.  

Carsten Höller designed a permanent and functional  artwork at Palazzo Diedo, the Scale of Doubt, transforming an unfinished flight of stairs into a  fully realized structure, of obvious Palladian inspiration. The spiral staircase features metal  balustrades, Vicenza stone, and marmorino Veneziano, all  unified by metal structures. Designed with a five-degree  gradient, the staircase is accessible to visitors, allowing for a gentle ascent between the main floors of Palazzo Diedo.

  • 1.Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

    Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

  • 1.Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

    Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

  • 1.Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

    Carsten Höller, Venice Inclined Oval Staircase, 2024, installation view, ph. Massimo Pistore, courtesy Berggruen Arts & Culture-

Foto di Massimo Pistore

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Piero Golia (eng) site specific

Piero Golia

1974, Naples, Italy 
He lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

A complex and pragmatic artist, a multifaceted provocateur with a neo-Dada imprint, he has made his mark on the international scene with performance actions pushed to the edge of reality that point out the contradictions of contemporaneity with lucid irony.

site-specific | permanent artwork

Untitled (floor)

Metal platform, materials for unfinished Venetian terrazzo floor, and a construction worker

A versatile and provocative artist of a neo-Dadaist stamp,  he has gained recognition on the international stage  through performance pieces that push the boundaries of  reality, highlighting the contradictions of contemporary society with sharp irony. 

As often occurs in his practise, this work is an evolving  experience that unfolds in two phases, during which Golia shows us the reality of things as they happen,  employing art as a cathartic means to engage with the  real. While awaiting the realization of the permanent  project for Palazzo Diedo, a designed floor in the traditional Venetian terrazzo technique, Golia, who always refers to time and process, puts us in  front of the materials that will be used to build it, stacked  like a minimalist sculpture. Sitting above, almost like a Rodin’s Thinker, a construction worker with his presence  “activates” the work waiting to start building the floor. 

Courtesy of the artist.


Other Artworks by the Artist - LINK

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  • Hits: 429

Ibrahim Mahama (eng) site specific

Ibrahim Mahama

1987, Tamale, Ghana 
He lives and works in Accra and Tamale, Ghana

site-specific | permanent artwork

Three Little Birds

Relief mural, fiberglass

Ibrahim Mahama produces installations that delve  into themes of globalization, labor, and the movement  of goods, frequently developed in partnership with  Ghanaian communities. The works exhibited at Palazzo  Diedo focus on the themes of railways and trains, with a  particular emphasis on Ghana’s colonial past. 

Three Little Birds is a permanent work created by  Mahama in his community in Ghana at the Red Clay  Foundation, launched in 2019 by a group of artists and  curators to promote local economic, social, and cultural  development, with the goal of making the population  active and economically self-sufficient. The work is  inspired by the visual materials surrounding the artist’s  studio at Red Clay: people interacting with elements of  the railway line create creative platforms, which serve the artist to investigate the relationship between the body  and history.


Other artworks by the artist - LINK

  • Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

    Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

  • Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

    Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

  • Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

    Ibrahim Mahama, Three Little Birds, 2023

Photos by Massimo Pistore and Matteo Catania- Hubove Studio

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  • Hits: 763

Mariko Mori (eng) site specific

Mariko Mori

1967, Tokyo, Japan 
She lives and works between Japan and New

site-specific | permanent artwork

Great Light

Printed fabric

Mariko Mori’s artistic career, which includes sculptures,  videos, photographs, installations, digital images, and  performances, is original and multifaceted. It features  references to both the pop imagery and religious  traditions of her native Japan, as well as elements of  Western culture, often achieving results with a strong  spiritual imprint that highlights the profound connections  among all human beings. 

From the digital images, photographs and installations  featuring her as a manga heroine, to her more recent,  purpose-driven projects aimed at raising awareness  of environmental issues and equality among peoples,  Mariko Mori’s work blends technology with the  rediscovery of humanity’s ancestral roots. 

The Great Light ceiling canvas was created especially for  Palazzo Diedo. 

Courtesy of the artist


  • Mariko Mori, Great Light, 2024

    Mariko Mori, Great Light, 2024

  • Mariko Mori, Great Light, 2024

    Mariko Mori, Great Light, 2024

Photos by Massimo Pistore

Photos by Massimo Pistore

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  • Hits: 648

Sterling Ruby (eng) site specific

Sterling Ruby

1972, Bitburg, Germany
He lives and works in Los Angeles, US

site-specific | permanent artwork

Lantern (3)

Sand casting of aluminum, glass, 70 x 120 cm

Sterling Ruby works with a wide range of media, including  ceramics, painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, video, and  textiles. His works, in contrast to the minimalist artistic  tradition and influenced by the ubiquity of urban graffiti,  often appear scratched, defaced, camouflaged, dirty, or  splattered.  

LANTERN by Sterling Ruby was expressly conceived  by the artist for the entrance of Palazzo Diedo. It is an  edition of hanging lamps that pays homage to those  that have illuminated the narrow streets and alleys of  Venice since the 12th century. The metal frameworks  were forged using a life-sized maquette constructed  with waste materials from his studio and scrap wood, while the panels were made with streaked red glass, in  tribute to another ancient Venetian tradition. While the  original model was hastily put together, the molds are the  result of a meticulous process blending traditional and  contemporary production methods. 

Courtesy of the artist and Sterling Ruby Studio


Other artwork by the artist OPEN

  • Sterling Ruby, Lantern (3), 2024

    Sterling Ruby, Lantern (3), 2024

  • Sterling Ruby, Lantern (3), 2024

    Sterling Ruby, Lantern (3), 2024

Photos by Matteo Catania - Hubove Studio

Photos by Matteo Catania - Hubove Studio

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  • Hits: 648

Palazzo Diedo
Arts & Culture

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Fondamenta Diedo
Cannaregio 2386
30121 Venezia